Hey Man...My Work's Down the Drain
Actually, work is not down the drain, it is completely out of control. Summer is busy season for the construction industry, and that includes product reps. I think I've been on three road trips since my last post. I also have gotten pathetically little knitting done. The Shapely Tank at White Lies Designs is going pretty well. I am using the Shinano that was being worked into the Chevron Tank (damnit I will get a tank out of this summer!)I've got the front done and the back part way through the armholes. (armscythes?) It is a GREAT pattern. Makes me wish her stuf was more my style- I'm a jeans n' T shirts kind of girl but maybe the lingere? (Did I spell that right? I am obviously killing too many brain cells with alcohol poisoning...) Anyway, underwear. :)
Picture coming when the tank's done...
Picture coming when the tank's done...