Lady In Red (OK, on a red couch)

The Lady Elenor Entrelac Shawl as it is at the moment. This yarn is IMPOSSIBLE to photograph- my husband finally brought his digital camera home from work, so it was too late for natural light. Anyway, the pattern is pretty simple, but the color changes in the Kureyon keep it interesting. Plus doing entrelac is somehow satisfying- everytime you finish a rectangle, you feel like you've accomplished something visible. Visually its not always my favorit look but knitting it is fun. Definitely teach yourself how to knit backwards though. Otherwise you spend all your time turning the thing! It helped me to think of it as "purling from the wrong side" rather than knitting backwards- when I knit backwards I get very confused about which way to insert the needle and wrap the yarn. Purling from the wrong side seems simpler...
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